iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me

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I dont understand, father. What an awful Fate the gods have delivered to you! In revenge for Agamemmnon killing one of her sacred stags, the goddess Artemis demands the sacrifice of his eldest daughter . If I could use such a voice and have everyone charmed, have them convinced to agree with me and follow me, then I would use that voice. 710. Menelaos First, look at me in the eye and then Ill tell you! I shall think of nothing else but you from now on. If this works out well, then the result will be good for you and your family without my getting mixed up in the affair. Oh! Let someone go and prepare the sacrificial basket and may the blessed fire burn high with the purifying barley. Well, old man, Ive reconsidered all those dreadful decisions Ive made back then and wrote another letter in which I am correcting them. Come, darling Iphigeneia, come down from the carriage now. Up there is my final argument. Youve murdered Tantalus, my first husband and with even more brutal violence, youve torn my baby from my breast and dashed it hard against the ground! Written between 408, after Orestes, and 406 BC, the year of Euripides' death, the play was first produced the following year in a trilogy . Which of your children will dare even look at you? A city built by the Cyclopes! Chorus Go, young girl! Agamemnon Achilles is acting in name only and not in deed. By the goddess Hera, protector ofArgosand of marriage, I shall not do so! Details. What horror! The decision is yours and it is a brave one, I admit that. I shall give it to her for the sake of Greece. Agamemnon I praise you, Menelaos for these unexpected words, proper words, words truly worthy of you. Let her keep her dignity intact. I ask only for a modest share of Aphrodites love; let it be not excessive! Towards this now, mother turn your thoughts, and with me weigh how well I speak; to me the whole of mighty. Klytaimestra Odysseus? And help me, too. Menelaos Act according to your position, or youll be very sorry, old man! Be careful not to disgrace your ancestors house. Ha! Achilles! Palermo, Mus. One of the most performed Greek tragedies, the play explores the breakdown of social norms in times of war and how war breeds inhuman habits in the most human of men. Please dont be offended now! Klytaimestra Answer me honestly, my husband! A terrible love." Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis tags: euripides , greek-tragedy , iphigenia-at-aulis , power , power-hungry 11 likes Like First Chorus Different words now but better. My friend, neither kill nor be killed because of me. 583. Listen to me! 1380. Can you not see these men in full armour? Can you see what the goddess has placed upon her altar? Tell me what it is you want, now. Why are we wasting our time around here? Iphigenia in Aulis has been added to your Cart . Klytaimestra Thats where they say the centaurs live. Here, take him into your arms for the last time. It is unjust that you should be mourning while Im living a life full of joy. So, tell me, my brother: What is all this violent fury? Klytaimestra No, what hes done to you will cost him a great deal of trouble! London: J.M. What about your own soldiers, Achilles, what about your Myrmidons? Klytaimestra What I should be doing as a mother- is to be the one who gives Iphigeneia, my daughter, away to her groom. Klytaimestra! All this is his own doing. This is the letter which you saw me writing in the dark, opening it and shutting it, labouring over it. Image from Vermeule and Chapman (1971) Plate 71. My hair! i. Trans. I know everything! Come, disband the army and leaveAulismy brother and stop your tears and mine! Accomplish your tasks, old man! Here she is but Ill do the talking for both of us. Our friend here should certainly be thanked for his efforts but we should be careful not to put his life in jeopardy against the army with no advance in our predicament. You, grandchild of Aeacus you, too Ledas daughter, stay! Ha! Your daughter, my lady, has today seen both death and life! One of his servants go and tell him that Achilles, Peleas son is here, waiting for him, at the entrance of his tent! Chorus Let Agamemnons name live for ever in glory! Achilles Whos that? Pleas or no pleas the result will be the same with me because I have only one thing in mind, now: to save you both from this disaster! Chorus And they will surround the cityPergamum, all about its stone towers with murderous war-men wholl smash the heads of the Trojans, cut through their necks and tear their city down to its foundations. We must do what we must do, to please the gods. His servants use the other. Iphigenia hoped for but now lacks, and which the chorus explicitly offers as a measure of Iphigenia's cruel fate: she should not be a sacrificial animal but a bride for kings (1085 ff.). All these troubles he has caused! Klytaimestra You, alone? Euripides - "Greek Dramas" (p251, 1900): Internet Archive Book Images, Translated by George Theodoridis Copyright 2007, all rights reserved - Bacchicstage. Menelaos Why is that? Next to him was Myriones, son of Ares, a marvel to all men and Odysseus, Laertes son, who came from the hills of his island,Ithaca. The gods deserted you and they wouldnt give you a favourable wind for our sails. How can I insult all those countless brave warriors and their shields, all those myriads of men, clasping hard at the oars men with courage enough to attack our enemy and die for our country, to clear her name? Some of you stand by at the front of the horses to quieten them. Klytaimestra A sweet word of love from you? Agamemnon Damn them, indeed as I am damned, Iphigeneia, I and many others! Chorus And to the feast of the gods and to Bacchus wine-mixing bowl came, too, with spears of fir and with wreaths of green leaves, the troupe of horse-mounted centaurs. Not from any birds, not from the sea and not from any of the winds that rule over the waters between us andEpirus Total silence! The Chorus turns in the direction of the scream and responds! What do you think I and the rest of your family will feel towards you? A teller of truth one time and a teller of lies one thousand times if hes lucky! People will talk about how Ive saved Greece. Current location in this text. 180. This is desperate behaviour, my lord and it leaves no doubt to anyone who sees you, my lord, that youve gone mad! Daddy, do you want to kill me? Is it marriage? Exit Achilles. There is no point. Your father, my lord, Atreas, didnt bring you into this world so that you may taste only its pleasures, my lord. IPHIGENIA: Had I, my father, the persuasive voice Of Orpheus, and his skill to charm the rocks To follow me, and soothe whome'er I please With winning words, I would make trial of it; But I have nothing to present thee now Save tears, my only eloquence; and those I can present thee. Come on, wont you beg your father not to kill your big sister? 1350. Eumelus, Pheres grandson was the driver of the chariot who, with a goad in his hand, he urged on and shouted at his beautiful steeds whose reins were a work of wondrous design, wrought in lustrous gold. Spare my young life, father. Rather, its the fact that you need a good woman one to fill your arms with and, in order to get her, youve lost your wits and your manners! Youre drowning me in misery. Klytaimestra And leave my darling behind? CLYTEMNESTRA: Now hear me, for my thoughts will I unfold In no obscure and coloured mode of speech. First Chorus I sped through Artemis woods, a place rich with sacrifices, my youthful shyness blushing my cheeks, anxious to see the armys might, the tents of the Greeks and their countless horses. The Iphigenia at Aulis Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. I wont let anyone take your life even though it would be against your wish. I was a very good house keeper for you. From now on, think only of me. Whether I do it or I dont, the consequences for me will be the same. And then, if his prophesies are found to be false, he vanishes! 940. 630. Iphigenia In Aulis - Read online for free. Help us! What sort of a welcome do you think youll receive on you return? The gods are no fools and they know when oaths are falsely pledged or forced upon people. Agamemnon Are you, darling? $3.99 delivery March 10 - 14. 231. Where did you catch him? To let this man succeed in this deed, to let him use my name as his bloody sword, would be to make me the worst of all the Greeks a worthless man, one more cowardly than Menelaos, as if I were not the son of Peleas but that of some evil demon. Iphigeneia Youll come right back after youre done withTroy, wont you? Yes, you, daughter of the long-necked swan! I Im not so sure. Klytaimestra I am not so insensitive, Agamemnon. Klytaimestra O, my darling daughter! Well, Helen, unfortunately, old man, chose Menelaos! What is a prophet? CLYTEMNESTRA: Now hear me, for my thoughts will I unfold In no obscure and coloured mode of speech. Iphigeneia I am ashamed because my marriage has turned out to be such a dismal failure. What can I possibly say now? Full search First Chorus Words that will not shame your ancestors. You, girls! Menelaos How else, then, can you, Agamemnon, prove that we are brothers? And it was with this lie, about the girls mock-marriage, that I tried to persuade my wife to bring her here. He goes to the tent and shouts through its door. Our daughter now lives among the gods. Then you scratch away the seal and then you throw its pine frame onto the ground and then you begin to cry profusely! He gains control of the scroll. Achilles Yes, it would have been some gods blessing had I married you, daughter of Agamemnon! Iphigeneia Make your worries go away, daddy. Please, in the name of Pelops and of Atreas, who is your father, I beg you! Menelaos Not if he dies first. Iphigenia is told that she must prepare for her new life, and that she will be quite alone, far from her parents and home (666, 669). But Iphigenia, having determined to die nobly on behalf of the Greeks, was snatched away by the Goddess, and a stag substituted in her place. Chorus Awesome is the power of giving birth! Klytaimestra Yes! Im leaving for another world! The play was produced in a trilogy that also included The Bacchae and was presented by Euripides' son or nephew. I was given as a gift to her father, Tyndareus. Agamemnon My child, why are you crying? Figure 2.2: Black-figure lekythos showing Iphigenia 89 led to the altar, c. 470 BCE. 773. Please, father! You are the cause of this miserable conflict between the sons of Atreas and their children! What does your Iphigeneia have to do with my Helen? Chorus And their call to the Nereid was loud and clear: 1061. Iphigeneia Will I go on my own or with mother? Chorus That is the city of Perseus, youre calling to! Dear women of Argos, this death, my death, this sacrifice to Artemis, will speed the Greeks to Troy and bring honour to the Greeks. Come, son of the goddess, lend us a hand, help us, or else we are doomed! An introduction to a classic play. Old Man No, madam! But I have no such skill. 420, The soldiers talk and they ask questions. I feel too humiliated to face you after the lies Ive uttered, after the dreadful way Ive been treated! I have no one else to turn to, no other friend, no other altar to pray upon. Christoph Willibald Gluck: Overture to "Iphigenia in Aulis" (orch. It is my name that he will be using as his sword to slaughter Iphigeneia and this awful man will disgrace my body if I let your daughter, who was about to marry me and who has suffered this insufferable fete die because of me. 560. Menelaos True. Chorus With what joy the Muses pounded the earth with their gold-sandaled feet as they climbed the mountain side to get to the wedding! 303. Old Man You should not have opened this letter! Its a common thing for a man to be shy when he meets his relatives for the first time and theyre talking about marriage! 970. Shelley Dean Milman. Do you not care about me any more? The altar of Zeus daughter. I shall obey your directions. 1560. You already had one and you couldnt control her. Effie (Sophie Melville) is a hard-nosed . Enter a Perseus citation to go to another section or work. Well, old man, Menelaos was outraged by this! Mother, I see a group of men coming towards us! No, mother! Those with dignity are respected, those without are shamed, though defending ones dignity is not always possible. 411, Menelaos Enjoy the glory of your sceptre then! Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Married and single alike? How I wish this herdsman, this boy who was brought up to care for cows, had never lived! How I cry for you! Once the wise old Tyndareus had convinced them all to take these oaths, he allowed his daughter to choose the suitor she liked and Helen allowed herself to be guided by the sweet, lusty sighs of Aphrodite in her heart. Klytaimestra Peers into the distance anxiously for a moment but is finally relieved. Which one will not wonder if it will be the next one you take to the slaughter? Agamemnon There! Your words are good, worthy of our country. Ive rushed here before them so that you can be ready to receive them. She goes to the door of the tent and opens it so that the servant may hear her. What marriage are you talking about, madam? How dare you! Then Achilles, Peleas son, took the golden basket and the holy water in his hands and ran around the goddess altar, chanting. Tell me the reason you will give no let me speak on your behalf, because I know what you will say. And this, my lady, this is no lie, believe me! Am I not allowed to manage the affairs of my own home, in my own way, now? Iphigeneia hugs her mother. Tell me what plan I should adopt! She goes to her death, so her father won't have to carry the guilt of. Enough! with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. That light, this light all around us, will cut all other arguments to pieces. Klytaimestra So, my sweet darling must face this horrible fate because of the need to bring Helen back? Chorus Oh, I hope Ill never see the day, nor should my children nor my grand children, should see the day when I suffer the torture that the golden Lydian women will suffer, the wives of those Trojan men, who will be suffering when, years later, working at their looms theyd be talking of this! Menelaos I swear, Agamemnon, by our father, Atreas and by our grandfather Pelops that I will tell you the truth plainly and clearly, just as I feel it in my heart and as I know it in my mind. Shelley Dean Milman. Let my pity be a protective blanket over you; it is the pity of a young man but it is a sincere pity, nevertheless and one brought about by the fact that I have been the one named as your daughters husband. Agamemnon That will be his decision. Whats with this flushed face of yours? Agamemnon It will take place at the most propitious time: When the moon completes its cycle again. 150. Now that Agamemnon has insulted me, dishonoured me so badly, I feel like a like a nobody. Agamemnon Wife, we should consider ourselves very much blessed. Only your knees. All of them, here inAulis. Achilles But who are you, madam? Miserable, Agamemnon says he has no choice. Theyve all rushed over there to see her. All of us we all heard the awful thud of the striking sword but when we looked up, we could not see the girl anywhere! Agamemnon Yes, my darling. I hate such relationships; they bring bitter pain to all. Save your child! 785, Chorus Do you hear them, Helen? iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me2825 airview blvd kalamazoo, mi 49002. Dent & Sons, 1920. We use cookies for social media and essential site functions. He is writing a letter (on a scroll) an exercise which, it seems, is difficult for him. Ah! Klytaimestra Falls down and clasps Achilles knees. Ive changed, youll say! He kept pace with the rail and with the wheels of the chariot. Called me slave to a wedding bed! See this letter, this contemptible letter with the contemptible message inside it? Shhhh listen to me! Attic tragedies were performed in Athens about the 5th century BC. Cry! How can you prove that you and I have the same father? Klytaimestra What was the second message? 1891. 378. By my grand-father, my mothers father, Nereus, who was nurtured by the ocean waves! So this is the armada I saw here and about which I had heard back home earlier. Why should you be the only one to offer our child as a victim to the altar? Iphigeneia rushes and embraces Agamemnon. My sacrifice will bring about a victory for the Greeks and secure their safety. [1375] Menelaos is carrying a staff and has nearly finished reading Agamemnons letter which he has torn from the Old Mans hands. It was there, at that meadow that Pallas Athena and Aphrodite, whose heart was full of cunning, came with Hera and Hermes, Zeus messenger. Are these amazing words the words of a delirious woman? It would be shameful if Agamemnon saw me touching whats not rightfully mine! Come, give me your right hand and lets make this the beginning of a blessed marriage! Ah, yes! Agamemnon I wish I could, my child! The fleet of the war-loving Taphians, with its foaming oars, was commanded by their king, Phyleus son, Meges who had left the Echinae, islands that are far too unwelcoming for sailors. The barbarian blood of the sons of Atreas, of your husband, madam and that of his brother, if either of them snatches your daughter from my hands! Chorus Agamemnon, son of Atreas, begin now your journey to Troy and may it be a happy one! But wholl carry the bridal torch? Such is "Iphigenia" (1977), by Greek director Mikhali (Michael) Cacoyannis, based on Euripedes' tragedy, "Iphigenia in Aulis." "Iphigenia" relates the story of an incident that took place just prior to the Trojan War. Why all this violence? Argue with others about that. Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides 4,589 ratings, 4.04 average rating, 210 reviews Open Preview Iphigenia in Aulis Quotes Showing 1-25 of 25 "He loves power. Agamemnon I, with all the Greeks as witnesses shall give Iphigeneia away. I do not envy those in authority." Context:: This line comes near the very beginning of the play. Dont look at me for that, I cant give you one! Agamemnon The heir was Peleas. Ive changed my mind, brother. Volume II. Ah! Please dont get angry with me. The more I hold you in my arms the more the tears rush to my eyes. However, when Agamemnon breaks down in tears, Menelaus relents. Awful! There is no need! Iphigenia at Aulis seems to have been constructed in a society in which it was ideal to put nation and family ahead of oneself. Menelaos Let go! There, my lady, there, upon the ground, lay a large animal, a beautiful stag, letting out its last breaths. His baby sounds will make no sense but theyll be full of meaning. Be careful of one thing, Menelaos: Be careful when youre walking among the men not to let Klytaimestra find out anything about the sacrifice; at least not until after Ive sent my daughter to Hades. Iphigeneia But there is no loss, mummy! I shall look elsewhere for friends and help. You have been wronged, madam. Then Calchas, the priest, took out a sharp sword out of its sheath and placed it in a basket made of gold. How full of torment is life for us ephemeral creatures! Figure 2.1: A possible sacrifice (Iphigenia or Polyxena). We are doomed now! Mother, wholl come with me when theyll come and drag me by my hair? Then seiz'd and sever'd me from those I lov'd, And wrench'd with iron grasp the beauteous bands. Enter Iphigeneia holding the baby in her arms. 1500. 9.1", "denarius"). Achilles They want to stone me to death, Klytaimestra! Tell me, Agamemnon: Tell me what will you say to someone who asks you why youve killed your daughter? These are things you should know nothing about! Poor, poor girl! Klytaimestra And is that where hell take our daughter? I can talk no more. I wish you could avert it somehow. Klytaimestra May joy be with you for ever, Achilles. My curiosity. If the sons of Atreas practice honesty then I shall obey them but if they dont, rest assured, madam that Ill defy them. It will be a long time before I return from Troy, a long time before I greet you again. Look at him for the last time. The single men have left their houses empty and uncared for and the married ones have left their wives and children behind. Hell have the whole army eating out of his hand and then make them kill us and sacrifice the girl anyway! For a mere woman? Its covered with a cloak. Old Man Yes, my lady. Gather the baskets for the sacrifices, place wreaths on your head. Its blood spattered about, saturating the goddess altar! Introduction. Now go inside, my good man and everything will happen according to the will of Fate. You locked yourself up indoors and became totally unapproachable to everyone. Agamemnon Yes, I see it and, before you start youd better hand it back to me! Agamemnon Little girls should not be bothered with such things. All right, youve stopped me Im waiting. Abominable creature! Raise a hymn now to the goddess Artemis, Zeus daughter, for the sad honour she has asked me to endure and let the women of Argos, the daughters of Danaus, hold a silence of reverence. Agamemnon Sure, that I can certainly do secretly but theres something else, brother; something I cannot hide. We will soon reveal Agamemnons sacrilegious schemes against his very own children! A garland for my head a garland for my hair some holy water from the sacred basins! King Agamemnon is talking to a old man and says that he envies the poor man's situation in life. Klytaimestra Our other daughters are looked after well and they are safe in their quarters. Ah, heres your father, go to him, darling! Do you think Im some slave of yours? 666 words. I offer my body to my country and to the rest of Greece, willingly. Klytaimestra Hes an evil man, my husband. Is this true or is it yet another one of these tales conjured up by the poets and then spread idly about the world through the ages? Fate gave me nothing to be proud of. I always have! Agamemnon Thank you, friend. Checking out the situation carefully. Menelaos Brothers must share each others pain. Which one will it be? But tell me what I must do. Other men may have different views but let me give you my own. It is a glory that will never wither in the minds of the Greeks. Iphigeneia Hands Orestes back to her mother. Menelaos Leave! Here, father, here is the body of a suppliant! 1230. Iphigenia's mother Clytemnestra is also determined to save her. What do they want to do with you? Stuffed full with men and spears. Who on earth could force you to murder your own child? I know what you want to do to me Go on! Chorus Let Agamemnon place a crown upon the head of Greece and let him be crowned in turn! Youll go to a place where youll forget about your father. 1160. I envy the man who knows no fame; and I dont envy the man whose life is heavy with the trappings of office. Helen, wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, had eloped to Troy with Paris, son of King Priam. Let me, instead, save Greece, if I can. Chorus There goes the girl wholl soon stain the altar of the murderous goddess with the gushing blood of her beautiful throat! Klytaimestra My dear Lord, Agamemnon! The returned soldier has been a central figure in the first wave of Canadian plays to deal with the War in Afghanistan. That would be bad for both of us. You know very well how humble you were during the days you wanted to be the leader of the Trojan expedition. Whether they treat me well or appallingly makes no difference to them. Menelaos I was waiting to see if your daughter would leaveArgosto come to the army camp. Poor, poor child! Lets not have the common tongues wag against us. Listen to their words: 790, Who will it be, I wonder, who will bring tears to my eyes, drag me by my beautiful hair and pluck me from my ruined land?. Chorus He said your daughter is still alive, my lady! We took Iphigeneia to the forest of Zeus daughter, Artemis. The girl deserves better still, may the gods be with us! I see a throng of men approaching. On my part, I wish you all happiness and may you return to the land of your fathers victorious. Why run away? Dont become an evil man! To stop me from coming here or to urge me to do so? That is, if my brain doesnt falter and make my tongue trip over its words! 1613. And so, the Greeks ordered you to let them board their ships and go back home and to stop wasting their efforts here. Arent you ashamed of yourself? She leads her mother into the tent and returns to centre stage. Klytaimestra And kept his promise by bringing her here, to you, all the way from Argos! And I also hear what theyve done to me! Vile trickery, unworthy of his father, Atreas! And tell me another thing, Agamemnon: when you return home, when you come back to Argos, will you have the gall to put your arms around any of your children? Dying for a marriage about which her lunatic suitors swore Tyndareus oaths. Achilles I did but theyre shouting at me, too! Words escape me! He lifted his cloak up and dug his face deep into it, trying to hide the tears that flooded his eyes. Its a natural thing for men with decent hearts to do the decent thing. Old man, come out here! An XML version of this text is available for download, Enter AGAMEMNON and ATTENDANT. How can I endure your death? Only fools would pray to go down there. They will reach the silvery eddies of the Simois river that runs through Apollos stronghold, the rocky plains ofTroy. Tears of pity came into my eyes just now, when I saw your own tears roll from yours. And so, soldiers, take heart and head for your ships because today we must leave behind the deep harbours of Aulis and cross our way through the vast Aegean sea!, And when the animal was thoroughly burned in the flames of the god of fire, Hephaistus, and when the holy rites were completed, Calchas prayed for our safe return. I have my army, the famous Myrmidons, wasting their time hanging about the quiet waters ofEpirus, getting angrier and more impatient by the minute. Its good that the children will be spared. Perseus provides credit for all accepted Agamemnon By the gods! Klytaimestra Really? Not before I tell all the Greeks what it says! IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Clytemnestra) A monologue from the play by Euripides NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from The Plays of Euripides in English, vol. IPHIGENIA IN AULIS Essay Summary A monologue from the play by Euripides NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from The Plays of Euripides in English, vol. Chorus You, evil Helen! 100. Iphigeneia Youve been so long here in the harbours ofAulis! Fatal Car Accident Massachusetts 2022, Articles I