li'l abner skunk works

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John Updike, calling Li'l Abner a "hillbilly Candide", added that the strip's "richness of social and philosophical commentary approached the Voltairean. The term "Skunk Works" came from Al Capp's satirical, hillbilly comic strip Lil Abner, which was immensely popular from 1935 through the 1950s. Fosdick's duty, as he sees it, is not so much to maintain safety as to destroy crime, and it's too much to ask any law-enforcement officer to do both, I suppose." "He had the touch," Frazetta said of Capp in 2008. The staff was cautioned that they had to operate in strict secrecy. During World War II, the Abner character was drafted into the role as mascot emblem of the Patrol Boat Squadron 29. In many localities, the tradition continues. It first appeared in 1942 and proved so popular that it ran intermittently in Li'l Abner over the next 35 years. All Rights Reserved. Li'l Abner also featured a comic strip-within-the-strip: Fearless Fosdick was a parody of Chester Gould's plainclothes detective, Dick Tracy. Li'l Abner himself was a mattress tester, and most others were either moonshiners or bootleggers. Designed to help the U.S. and allies leverage emerging technologies to create a resilient multi-domain network. In June 1943, the U.S. Armys Air Tactical Service Command (ATSC) met with Lockheed Aircraft Corporation to express its dire need for a jet fighter to counter a rapidly growing German jet threat. [36] After four months of fantasy adventure, Capp ended the strip with Washable's mother waking him up; the story was a dream. Later, Capp licensed and was part-owner of an 800-acre (3.2km2) $35 million theme park called Dogpatch USA near Harrison, Arkansas. Awakening, he exclaims the phrase. Jasper Jooks by Jess "Baldy" Benton (1948'49), Ozark Ike (1945'53) and Cotton Woods (1955'58), both by Ray Gotto, were clearly inspired by Capp's strip. In his essay "The Decline of the Comics", (Canadian Forum, January 1954) literary critic Hugh MacLean classified American comic strips into four types: daily gag, adventure, soap opera, and "an almost lost comic ideal: the disinterested comment on life's pattern and meaning." Later, many fans and critics saw Paul Henning's popular TV sitcom, The Beverly Hillbillies (1962'71) as owing much of its inspiration to Li'l Abner, prompting Alvin Toffler to ask Capp about the similarities in a 1965 Playboy interview. Mencken credits the postwar mania for adding "-nik" to the ends of adjectives to create nouns as beginning not with beatnik or Sputnik, but earlier in the pages of Li'l Abner. Kurtzman carried that forward and passed it down to a whole new crop of cartoonists, myself included. Brown, Rodger, "Dogpatch USA: The Road to Hokum" article, Last edited on 25 February 2023, at 05:42, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Li'l Abner: The Complete Dailies & Color Sundays, Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, 418 Search and Rescue Operational Training Squadron, "This Day in Jewish History / Al Capp, Choleric Creator of Li'l Abner, Dies an Embittered Man", Li'l Abner "biography" at, Daisy Mae "biography" at, Mammy Yokum "biography" at, Pappy Yokum "biography" at, Honest Abe "biography" at, Tiny Yokum "biography" at, Marryin' Sam "biography" at, Kickapoo Joy Juice page at, Joe Btfsplk "biography" at, Al Capp: A Life to the Contrary Michael Schumacher, Denis Kitchen Google Books, General Bullmoose "biography" at, Earthquake McGoon "biography" at, Evil-Eye Fleegle "biography" at, Sadie Hawkins "biography" at, Fearless Fosdick "biography" at, The Shmoo "biography" at The term "Skunk Works" came from Al Capp 's satirical, hillbilly comic strip Li'l Abner, which was immensely popular from 1935 through the 1950s. Conceived in 1943, the Skunk Works divisiona name inspired by a mysterious locale from the comic strip Li'L Abner was formed by Johnson to build America's first jet fighter. ", "Wal, fry mah hide!" He was portrayed as a naive, simpleminded, gullible and sweet-natured hillbilly. It was later reprinted in The World of Li'l Abner (1953). [38] Other promotional tie-ins included the Lena the Hyena Contest (1946), the Name the Shmoo Contest (1949), the Nancy O. Humorously enough, many states tried to claim ownership to the little town (Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, etc. During the extended peak of the strip, the workload grew to include advertising, merchandising, promotional work, comic book adaptations, public service material and other specialty work in addition to the regular six dailies and one Sunday strip per week. Within three years Abner's circulation climbed to 253 newspapers, reaching over 15,000,000 readers. But Lockheeds chief engineer, Clarence Kelly Johnson, simply fielded all requests and relayed to his handpicked band of Skunk Works employees what needed to be done. Boody Rogers' Babe was a peculiar series of comic books about a beautiful hillbilly girl who lived with her kin in the Ozarks with many similarities to Li'l Abner. "Nearly all comic strips, even today, are owned and controlled by syndicates, not the strips' creators. The next comic frame says: HIDE FRIED, "Neither the strip's shifting political leanings nor the slide of its final few years had any bearing on its status as a classic; and in 1995, it was recognized as such by the, "ABNER" was the name given to the first codebreaking computer used by the, The original Dogpatch is a historical part of San Francisco dating back to the 1860s that escaped the, Li'l Abner, Daisy Mae, Wolf Gal, Earthquake McGoon, Lonesome Polecat, Hairless Joe, Sadie Hawkins, Silent Yokum and Fearless Fosdick all found their way onto the, Al Capp always claimed to have effectively created the, Li'l Abner has one odd design quirk that has puzzled readers for decades: the part in his hair always faces the viewer, no matter which direction Abner is facing. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It even made the cover of Life magazine on March 31, 1952 illustrating an article by Capp titled "It's Hideously True!! In 1949, when the all-male club refused membership to Hilda Terry, creator of the comic strip Teena, Capp temporarily resigned in protest. Aerospace research facility in the United States, "Skunk works" redirects here. Capp suggests November 26, and Daisy rewarded him with a kiss. Learn how we are strengthening the economies, industries and communities of our global partner nations. The comic strip had 60 million readers in over 900 American newspapers and 100 foreign papers in 28 countries. At the San Diego Comic Con in July 2009, IDW and The Library of American Comics announced the upcoming publication of Al Capp's Li'l Abner: The Complete Dailies and Color Sundays: Vol. A superhuman dynamo, Mammy did all the household chores and provided her charges with no fewer than eight meals a day of "po'k chops" and "tarnips" (as well as local Dogpatch delicacies like "candied catfish eyeballs" and "trashbean soup"). Rounding out the cast were soap opera star Laurette Fillbrandt as Daisy Mae, Hazel Dopheide as Mammy Yokum, and Clarence Hartzell (who was also a prominent actor on Vic and Sade) as Pappy. He lived in a ramshackle log cabin with his pint-sized parents. The U-2 was tested at Groom Lake in the Nevada desert, and the Flight Test Engineer in charge was Joseph F. Ware, Jr. It was a commentary on human nature itself. Outside Dogpatch, characters used a variety of stock Vaudevillian dialects. Capp claimed that he found the right "look" for Li'l Abner with, "I didn't start this Mammy Yokum did." [18] The company also holds several registrations of it with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It was Kellys unconventional organizational approach that allowed the Skunk Works to streamline work and operate with unparalleled efficiency. Lockheed was chosen to develop the jet because of its past interest in jet development and its previous contracts with the Air Force. We develop laser weapon systems, radio frequency and other directed energy technologies for air, ground and sea platforms to provide an affordable countermeasure alternative. [1][2][3] The Sunday page debuted six months after the daily, on February 24, 1935. The NCS had originally disallowed female members into its ranks. Kitchen is currently[when?] [7] In 1952, Abner reluctantly proposed to Daisy to emulate the engagement of his comic strip "ideel", Fearless Fosdick. Al Capp's life and career are the subjects of a new life-sized mural commemorating his 100th birthday, displayed in downtown Amesbury, Massachusetts. [49], Sadie Hawkins Day and Sadie Hawkins dance are two of several terms attributed to Al Capp that have entered the English language. (Although it is also the approximate Northern European pronunciation of the name "Joachim".) President Eisenhower needed something quicker, stronger, and more elusive. There have been many stories over the years about the names origin: It evolved from a comic strip or the color of a tent it was housed in or because what was inside that tent smelled so bad. 1 (19341936). Evil-Eye Fleegle and his "whammy" make an animated cameo appearance in the U.S. Armed Forces Special Weapons Project training film, Self Preservation in an Atomic Attack (1950). The resulting sequence, "Jack Jawbreaker Fights Crime!! We have invested in developing and demonstrating hypersonic technology for over 30 years. "Capp was an aggressive and fearless businessman," according to publisher Denis Kitchen. (In his book The American Language, H.L. Comparing Capp to other contemporary humorists, McLuhan once wrote: "Arno, Nash, and Thurber are brittle, wistful little prcieux beside Capp!" Everybody almost dead.. "[19], In Australia, the trademark for use of the name "Skunkworks" is held by Perth-based television accessory manufacturer The Novita Group Pty Ltd. Lockheed Martin formally registered opposition to the application in 2006, however the Australian government's intellectual property authority, IP Australia, rejected the opposition, awarding Novita the trademark in 2008.[20][21]. The "Skonk Works" was a dilapidated factory located on the remote outskirts of Dogpatch, in the backwoods of Kentucky. An attack aircraft that rendered itself invisible to enemy radar. Capp appeared as a regular on The Author Meets the Critics. Capp himself originated the stories, wrote the dialogue, designed the major characters, rough penciled the preliminary staging and action of each panel, oversaw the finished pencils, and drew and inked the faces and hands of the characters. Li'l Abner was also the subject of the first book-length, scholarly assessment of a comic strip ever published. (Upon his retirement in 1977, Capp declared Mammy to be his personal favorite of all his characters.) [69][70] Starring Peter Palmer, Leslie Parrish, Julie Newmar, Stella Stevens, Stubby Kaye, Billie Hayes, Howard St. John, Joe E. Marks, Carmen Alvarez, William Lanteau and Bern Hoffman, with cameos by Jerry Lewis, Robert Strauss, Ted Thurston, Alan Carney, Valerie Harper and Donna Douglas. Privacy Policy. In 1947, Will Eisner's The Spirit satirized the comic strip business in general, as a denizen of Central City tries to murder cartoonist "Al Slapp", creator of "Li'l Adam". Unlike any other strip, and indeed unlike many other pieces of literature, Li'l Abner was more than a satire of the human condition. "When Fosdick is after a lawbreaker, there is no escape for the miscreant", Capp wrote in 1956. Many times a customer would come to the Skunk Works with a request and on a handshake the project would begin, with no contracts in place, no official submittal process. In the midst of the Great Depression, the hardscrabble residents of lowly Dogpatch allowed suffering Americans to laugh at yokels even worse off than themselves. This was followed by a heated conversation among the adults who advised her that Flower was too bashful to go into space, and it couldnt be Pepe Le Pew, another famous cartoon skunk, because he wasnt serious enough to be in the space program. But high altitude was not enough. Warren M. Bodie, journalist, historian, and Skunk Works engineer from 1977 to 1984, wrote that engineering independence, elitism and secrecy of the Skunk Works variety were demonstrated earlier when Lockheed was asked by Lieutenant Benjamin S. Kelsey (later air force brigadier general) to build for the United States Army Air Corps a high speed, high altitude fighter to compete with German aircraft. When Capp finally gave in to reader pressure and allowed the couple to tie the knot, it was a major media event. [10], Next generation optionally-manned U-2 aircraft. Publicity campaigns were devised to boost circulation and increase public visibility of Li'l Abner, often coordinating with national magazines, radio and television. Conceived in 1943, the Skunk Works divisiona name inspired by a mysterious locale from the comic strip LiL Abnerwas formed by Johnson to build Americas first jet fighter. When the Army Air Forces officially asked for a range extension solution it was ready. [57] "When he retired Li'l Abner, newspapers ran expansive articles and television commentators talked about the passing of an era. In the fourth type, according to MacLean, there were only two: Pogo and Li'l Abner. Exile in Dogpatch: The Curious Neglect of Cartoonist Al Capp, Town to Honor Famous Cartoonist Who Lived, Worked in Amesbury, "Al Capp's biography card from the National Cartoonists Society", The Hooded Utilitarian: Comics contributions to colloquial English, 18 December 2010, "REVIEWS: Al Capp: A Life to the Contrary,", "Tales of the Founding of the National Cartoonists Society Part III" from, "Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine: 464: "Li'l Melvin", "Presarvin' Freedom: Al Capp, Treasury Man,", "Egyptians draw inspiration from Civil Rights Movement comic book. Shmoos were originally meant to be included in the 1956 Broadway Li'l Abner musical, employing stage puppetry. More recently, Dark Horse Comics reprinted the limited series Al Capp's Li'l Abner: The Frazetta Years, in four full-color volumes covering the Sunday pages from 1954 to 1961. as well as some purely fanciful worlds of Capp's imagination: Exceeding every burlesque stereotype of Appalachia, the impoverished backwater of Dogpatch consisted mostly of hopelessly ramshackle log cabins, "tarnip" fields, pine trees and "hawg" wallows. The Skunk Worksis the proud home of eight Collier Trophies. The Skunk Works had predicted that the U-2 would have a limited operational life over the Soviet Union. An engineer named Irv Culver was a fan of Al Capp's newspaper comic strip, "Li'l Abner." Famous quotes containing the words supporting, characters and/or villains: " It is handsomer to remain in the establishment better than the establishment, and conduct that in the best manner, than to make a sally against evil by some single improvement, without supporting it by a total regeneration. Consequently, Johnson's organization operated out of a rented circus tent, and the adjacent manufacturing plant produced a strong odor that permeated throughout the tent. "One of the few strips ever taken seriously by students of American culture," wrote Professor Berger, "Li'l Abner is worth studyingbecause of Capp's imagination and artistry, and because of the strip's very obvious social relevance." During AirVenture 2003, for example, a 4-year-old girl took one look at a picture of an artists drawing of the Lockheed Martin Space plane with the distinctive skunk on the tail and asked if it was a ride at Disneyland because the mascot was obviously Flower from the movie Bambi.. January 8, 2021 What is Skunk Works? Over the years, the Skunk Works division in Palmdale, California, was given a more official moniker, Lockheeds Advanced Development Programs, but its mission remained unchanged: build the worlds most experimental aircraft and breakthrough technologies in abject secrecy at a pace impossible to rival. Consequently, Salomey is frequently targeted by unscrupulous sportsmen, hog breeders and gourmands (like J.R. Fangsley and Bounder J. Roundheels), as well as unsavory wild boars with improper intentions (such as Boar Scarloff and Porknoy). "A wish is a wish," says the genie. The idea was reportedly abandoned in the development stage by the producers, however, for reasons of practicality. ", Daisy Mae Yokum (ne Scragg): Beautiful Daisy Mae's character was hopelessly in love with Dogpatch's most prominent resident throughout the entire 43-year run of Al Capp's comic strip. With John Hodiak in the title role, the Li'l Abner radio serial ran weekdays on NBC from Chicago, from November 20, 1939, to December 6, 1940. It is responsible for a number of aircraft designs, highly classified R&D programs, and exotic aircraft platforms. During the entirety of the Cold War, the Skunk Works was located in Burbank, California, on the eastern side of Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport (341203N 1182107W / 34.200768N 118.351826W / 34.200768; -118.351826). He was also a periodic panelist on ABC and NBC's Who Said That? Mind Works is dedicated to excellence in psychology and counseling. No other cartoonist to date has come close to Capp's televised exposure. Dogpatch characters pitched consumer products as varied as Grape-Nuts cereal, Kraft caramels, Ivory soap, Oxydol, Duz and Dreft detergents, Fruit of the Loom, Orange Crush, Nestl's cocoa, Cheney neckties, Pedigree pencils, Strunk chainsaws, U.S. Royal tires, Head & Shoulders shampoo and General Electric light bulbs. All Rights Reserved. By 1960, Soviet radar and surface-to-air missile technology had caught up with the U-2. Mammy was regularly seen scrubbing Pappy in an outdoor oak tub ("Once a month, rain or shine"). (A familiar radio personality, Capp was frequently heard on the NBC broadcast series, Monitor. Besides being fearless, Fosdick was "pure, underpaid and purposeful", according to his creator. I stayed on longer than I should have," he admitted. And virtually all cartoonists remain content with their diluted share of any merchandising revenue their syndicates arrange. Forget about it slam dunk! Outside the comic strip, the practical basis of a Sadie Hawkins dance is simply one of gender role-reversal. Capp was a genius. "The Comics on the Couch" by Gerald Clarke, "Gallery of vintage ads featuring Li'l Abner as spokesman", Filmmakers host premiere for Dogpatch USA documentary. The once informal nickname is now theregistered trademarkof the company: Skunk Works. In late 1959, Skunk Works received a contract to build five A-12 aircraft at a cost of $96 million. (Titanium supply was largely dominated by the Soviet Union, so the CIA set up a dummy corporation to acquire source material.) Ben Rich and "Kelly" Johnson set the origin as June 1943 in Burbank, California; they relate essentially the same chronology in their autobiographies. His engineers turned one out in 143 days, creating the P-80 Shooting Star, a sleek, lightning-fast fighter that went on to win historys first jet-versus-jet dogfight over Korea in 1950. After 1989, Lockheed reorganized its operations and relocated the Skunk Works to Site 10 at U.S. Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, where it remains in operation today. Initially owned and syndicated through United Feature Syndicate, a division of the E.W. However, due to its enormous popularity and the numerous fan letters he received, Capp made it a tradition in the strip every November, lasting four decades. 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