trader joes low iodine foods

Aprile 2, 2023

trader joes low iodine foodsleitchfield ky obituaries

Trader joes Unsalted organic white corn tortilla chips. To clarify, someone posted that they contacted TJ's and the response they received indicated that the foods with the Trader Joe's label use iodine-free salt in those products with salt. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always a safe bet. Also, grom what I learned and researched, LID can/does make a difference. Feel crappy AND not eat comfort foods? They will also specify if they use sea salt instead of non-iodized salt, so you can avoid those products! Jan 16, 2023 @ 20:14:36. And, it is delicious toasted. You are so welcome! I've never read so many labels in my eyes hurt. I did have to receive a CT scan with iodine contrast a week after my surgery, which was March 8. Ill keep yall in my thoughts. Its great on oatmeal. I still have almost two weeks to go. By calling the consumer hotlines for the products or by messaging the company on Facebook, I was able to confirm the products do not contain iodized salt and that expanded what I was able to eat. I just made a big pot of LID soup with tap water and hoping its still ok! As long as you read labels and know what ingredients are not allowed, you are good. Lid and Trader Joes - Thyroid cancer - Inspire I've found a few products, through the help of this website and through scouring the shelves of grocery stores, that have made cooking and eating while on the LID diet a bit easier. Now I see that Strawberry is a no-no! The ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. ? Have thyroid cancer and gonna have to have treatment and do this diet, recipesforsustenance In addition to Club crackers, Keebler Zesta saltines, Town House Original crackers , Graham crackers are also fine. Keep in the refrigerator to avoid oil/ peanut butter separation. what an eye opener this has been. ughhhh this is not for the weak. Oct 14, 2022 @ 00:23:56, You are so welcome! I cannot say enough about how much this website is helping me both emotionally and information wise! Hope this helps! Trader Joes Vegetable Samosas found in the frozen food section, these mini samosas are delicious. Coconut milk can be used in Indian or Thai curries or soups. Kind Regards, Tonya E. Parker, Quality Assurance Manager, TW Garner Food Company., Thai Kitchen Red Curry Paste -I use this for curries and soups. Thank you for your email. Finally feeling like I can survive this diet. ~Wanda.. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It has really helped me get ready for the LID. Rice. The LID Life Community has a Facebook group too. Rice is a good source of energy, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate, and vitamin E. traders joes great place to find items for low iodine diet. I am wondering how did you determine if the foods listed had iodine salt in them?? Other brands, such as Eden for example, say No Salt Added, but have kombu seaweed added (so stay away from those). recipesforsustenance I have been reading through postsand trying to answer my questions through those so as not to bother anyonebut geez that takes too much timeso I have decided to postand many of you veterans will find yourself repeating yourself and for that I apologize. , recipesforsustenance I'm the one that confirmed it with trader joes. We start the diet on the 11th. The doc said she would have the intubation tube and on a breathing machine until last night or this morning, and her drainage tube in her chest (they found fluid in her lung during the surgery) would be in until they got the fluid out or up to 2 days. REMEMBER: YOU SHOULD REVIEW YOUR LID WITH YOUR MEDICAL TEAM AND FOLLOW THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS. It was runny (less so if kept in the fridge) and it just didnt taste right. Best wishes! It's good to know, because getting enough sodium on any diet is healthy. These TJ spreads do not contain any. Prior to discovering the iodine connection, I thought I was eating more healthfully with spinach, seafood, nuts, strawberries, yogurt, etc. Good luck to you! I highly recommend LID Life Community ( as a resource. I start mine in three weeks and need to have some convenience items to have in the car - I have two children and with activities every night it is not possible to make things in the cookbook everyday. Jan 19, 2022 @ 11:56:42. Tomatoes in a can? Water, tomato, tomato paste, vinegar, iodized salt, onion, Chilpotle peppers, coriander, soybean oil, sugar, garlic powder, xanthan gum, caramel color and spices. I got a call today to go on LID and off my Cytomel. Coconut Milk great for making curries (both Thai and Indian). I am new to this site as I just had a TT this past December and am thankful for all the info and stories. If anyone else knows of any grocery items, respond to this and maybe we can make a master list to help others! Kite Hill Almond Milk Cream Cheese Style Spread a vegan, soy-free cream cheese alternative that does not contain iodized salt. What worked for you? thanks for this super helpful Im so happy I have more options not having time and not knowing how to cook makes it difficult this is my second time doing the lid diet Im on day 2 =) missing coffee oatmeal and reg eggs and mayonnaise manly lol =) and the fact that I cant go out i have to cook all but hey I did it once I will do it again =), recipesforsustenance recipesforsustenance Tips for Less Stressful LID Food Preparation: **Always consult with your medical treatment team and follow their current food list during your LID**, Some blog readers reported their physicians told them to avoid beets during the LID- These chips contain mostly sweet potatos with some beet chips- if you have been advised to avoid beets- simply pick out the beet chips and save for another family member. Daiya dairy free cheese substitute shreds (mozzarella) Not all Daiya products are suitable for LID. I was considering wearing the same old jamas the entire time and throwing them awaybut then wondered if I shower often will this not be helpful? No sodium; no milk products. I've been using the trader joes album along with the other albums and want to thank everyone who has worked so diligently putting them together butit's still hard. Unfortunately we have limited to almost nothing here in the Philippines when it comes to LID diet ingredients 6 weeks prior to scan is a real struggle , recipesforsustenance is a great resource if you need to do the diet again in the future. There are several Kens salad dressings that are suitable for LID>. Plan to use this seasoning after the LID! What are the chances? There are two types of Elmhurst Milked unsweetened variety and a Barrista approved variety. * Unsalted mini-pretzel twist I am pleased to inform you that we do not use iodized salt in our products. Ive been kinda bummed out trying to find things I actually like to eat. Went to Trader Joes. Salt is listed in the ingredients list, but I called the company and was told that they do not use iodized salt. Change). Can anyone help? undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. -Cucumber Refrigerated Salad- keeps for 2 mo! It doesnt taste half bad. Thank you for the kind comment. When I suggested/asked for one very popular company to back their word in writing they then refused and retracted their statement. Broccoli), -Black Bean Salad with Corn, Red Peppers, Avocado, -Roasted Cauliflower with Red Chile, Cilantro, and Lime, -Grilled Corn, Tomatoes and Avocado Salad. I could use the site to look up LID-safe items on my phone while I was grocery shopping. Zero % sodium. I know there was a cream that was nondairy and LID safe, for coffee, in the freezer section in whole foods but I don't remember the name. Sugar is little higher than we generally prefer, but when on the LID.go for it! I know it's a low iodine dietso I am hoping with moderationI'm good. Lots to choose from i made lots of baked garlic fries with their russet potatoes and their ketchup is so good! THANK YOU! I have been dreading this low iodine diet and no hormones for weeks and now it's here - and I know it's going to hard. No red dyes. I found some canned green beans no saltyet sodium read 15mgis that OK to eat? Hi everyone! Thank you so much for doing the homework on so much of this. Rapunzel No Salt Added Vegetable Bouillon Ibought this vegan vegetable bouillon at Earth Fare. It many not be a ton of food but it was nice for me to find a handful of things that I could eat/snack on. Oreos Oreos are vegan and as long as they are a flavor that doesnt contain prohibited ingredients, they are acceptable for LID. Apple Cranberry juice. On the ConAgra site, you can search for stores that carry their Fleischmann's products by zip code. It is best if rice is limited on LID. You are welcome! A few other bonuses are that a lot of this stuff is gluten free and organic. Yes TJ's is a wonderful store for LID items! I've noticed I've been jittery and feeling anxious today My hearts feels like its racing and I'm a bit short of breath at times.not sure of its what I'm eating/not eating or my meds. I found mine at Fresh and Easy0 mg of sodium, fat and cholesterol. Some people do not realize that iodine is in sea salt as well as kosher salt. * Yumnuts - dry roasted and flavored (but NO SALT!) recipesforsustenance - Whole Foods Brand Boxed No Salt Added Chickpeas (it comes in a small box and was at the very bottom of the canned bean shelf). I think I will deserve comfort. Jul 21, 2012 10:41 PM. Between 2008 and 2012 I purchased all my dairy products there because they were cheaper than the regular grocery store. It was at this point from sheer exhaustion that I lost my footing and fell onto/into a wooden bench at a very funny angle and got a bit hurt! I hope you will find some of the meal ideas on this blog helpful. (Didn't think to ask.) Having a knowledgeable doctor makes a big difference. Feb 26, 2017 @ 16:00:55, Thank you for this posting this. Best price is at Wal-Mart. FOR EXAMPLE: Frosted Shredded Wheat are ok to eat! I found a kosher supplier in New York that would ship it to me. NO salt. Make sure to check out Just click on the link! Finally I get home completely wiped out, sore from my fall earlier and I can't even think about making anything for dinner so I grabbed one of my new cashew & almond bars and it hit the spot! This product does contain sodium caseinate (a milk derivative). Thank you so much! I used Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites to make omelettes, migas, and scrambled egg whites. Hope to hear from you! Girl Scout Cookies Thanks-a-Lot Several Girl Scout Cookies are LID-friendly. :). Great for soups, risotto, mashed potatoes, etc Make sure to read labels because the regular Progresso broths contain sea salt. I just added some kosher salt to it to make it taste more like regular ketchup. Ha ha! Oreos are his favorite (dipped in milk of course) but he will be happy to just have the cookies at this point. Jun 30, 2017 @ 14:29:40. I cannot determine if I should or should not include Nutrisystem foods during LID.. Best wishes! I contacted the company to see what type of salt they used in their products and got this response: I have received your inquiry regarding our Texas Pete Hot Sauce and the salt in our products. potassium iodide is what you need to look for in salt (aside from sea salt). There's also a great Facebook group for LID. Her cardiac team came in before hand several times to go over the surgery with all of us there (grandma, grandpa, mom, me and a family friend) and told us to expect her to be in surgery at least 3 hours but anywhere from 3-4 to be on the safe side. I may just use sugar in my coffee and live without my milk/creamer. If you should have any further questions please contact me. I assume you are preparing to do a whole body scan. Thanks in advance, I hope your hubbys RAI is completely successful and he has minimal side-effects. 18 g whole grain. On some lists, it is considered an ingredient that is not allowed on LID. Jun 04, 2019 @ 20:51:50. Purchased at Whole Foods. I am starting the lid again Monday and I saw on a post that trader Joe's has a butter spread that is approved. Publix Country StyleHashbrowns Peeled potatoes are allowed on LID. Trader joes Dry roasted and unsalted pistachios. We get home and at my moms/grandparents I needed to fill my mom's pill box for the week so she could take her pills. Don't know whyI need to find out. -Trader Joe's Quick Cook Steel Cut Oats Good Luck!! From clothing to flowers to wine, you can purchase just about anything Fair Trade.Notable brands like Athletica, Patagonia, Kashi Foods, Honest Tea, and select products from Whole Foods, Aldi, Trader Joe's, General Mills, and Kroger have joined the Fair Trade movement. Check out this website:, Thank you for these posts ..They will be very helpful. I thought I would have to be extremely careful with fruits and such, but I learned shortly after being diagnosed which fruits spike my sugars and almost none do thankfully! Time an time again, I was told that they did not use iodized salt and if they did, they would have to list it in the ingredients list as iodized salt. The Smart Balance with Olive Oil should be fine for the low iodine diet. recipesforsustenance Doc has me on LID for basically 5 weeks. Also someone mentioned to me a bread, which I think was in Trader Joes or Whole Foods that was LID safe. Kosher salt can be easily found in the grocery store next to the table salt. Im glad to see some products on your must that I wouldnt have thought to include with my LID diet grocery list. Tostitos Tortilla Chips Frito-Lay does not use iodized salt in/on their products. Whole Foods Also, is sparkling water ok to drink? Gluten-Free Their granola cereals, many breads, dark chocolate bars, guacamole-like mashed avocados, coconut creamer, toasted almonds and frozen veggies made for a very tasty LID diet. Ok - seriously, I have hunted high and low for "Rich's coffee creamer - non dairy" and no where in Boise Idaho can I find it. HI!!! I have read so many things about LID - I thought I read that there is a bread, peanut butter, chips and a salsa that are all allowed on the diet. I have found things like frozen peas (love them on my salads and just with rice as a side) that have 0 sodium and then some that have as much as 200 mg per serving for just plain sauce or anything! Is trader joe's fair trade? Sour Candy/Gum Products Used After the RAI, 1st Food Request After RAI/LID Diet Ended, Tangerine Pumpkin Snack- Great for Halloween & Thanksgiving, Middle Eastern Salad- Full of Fresh Veggies, Strawberry & Kale Salad- omit cheese during LID, Chimichurri Sauce for chicken/beef/veggies, Almond Milk- quick & easy to make at home, Easy Garlic Broccolini (or use reg. Smithfield Bacon This bacon does not contain iodized salt. Sep 04, 2019 @ 19:52:37. We get in the car to finally head home after a long day but my day is not over yet!!! Im not a big beer drinker, but I did use Shiner Bock to make beer bread. Here is the link to my original post I used it to make Beef Stew and it was rich and tasted great. I got it in writing from Trader Joe's, the link to thread where I post the response I got back from Trader Joes is above. They do Cary non dairy vegan cheese. My wife and I are heading to Trader Joe's tomorrow and I am taking suggestions on what I just have get. Your hard work on this was greatly appreciated. Milan says, "It's such a nice treat to start off a new weekand they're usually always under $7!" Thanks for all the info! Seeing your list it makes the next couple weeks more manageable.THANKS SO much! I found 3 kinds of Lara Bars that are ok (1 has dates and cashews only and it doesn't say they are salted). I would buy this product even when Im not on LID. I read and re-read the ingredients list. Am I missing something with Trader Joes? I have cancer and am doing the radioactive iodine treatment next week. Uncle Ben's Ready Rice Brown Rice - Iodine occurs naturally in rice. recipesforsustenance I got so sad for not having an accurate explanation on why and what food should i take. Thank you!!!!! made by Dole and some cashew and almond bars. Just check the labels. You can ask questions and even post pics of food products for confirmation if they are allowed on the diet. No iodized salt in Trader Joes Brand Products! Thank you! Here is a link: I'm just a little frustrated /concerned because I use primarily rice based pastas (is corn based ok?) 20 Types of Low Iodine Foods and Why You Need a Low Iodine Diet They have two other flavors, Vanilla and Hazelnut. The company does not use iodized salt in the products that contain salt and they do not use carrageenan. Many thanks, recipesforsustenance Ill keep a good thought for him (and you). Use the Tabs below to see our daily LID menu by meal. Both my husband and I have thyroid cancer, his being Papillary and mine Follicular. They carry many, many other labels, so go for the Trader Joe's label only and you should be all right. They do carry some other brands, so make sure you have a Trader Joe's brand item. Just remember to check ingredients in the stores. and don't worry about soy lecithin, it's the one soy that is allowed. They dont have much listed for the Philippines, but may be a start: Good luck! Im so glad my blog is helpful to you as you prepare for LID! You are so welcome! The daiya cheese substitute contains sea salt which is banned on the LID diet. Why Is My Spotify Interface Different, Jim Murray Victory Baptist Church, What Is Champagne Service At A Hotel, Articles T