zybooks is bad

Aprile 2, 2023

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It was interactive so I was actually able to conceptualize the things I was learning as I was learning it rather than reading it without understanding. Its an amazing tool to use for classes, it helps greatly by making the material very easy to understand. However, until now, everything points to Zybooks (if I have access to the book that's being used, I'll write an update). I thought it was good for learning the material but sometimes the challenges needed stuff to be in a very specific format, which could be tricky. See notes at the bottom for what we have done, and for discussion about the responses. It is far superior to _____. Its amazing and walks through step by step. It's a bit on the expensive side. Honestly pretty good for consolidating and reinforcing retainment of material, I found it to be a pretty engaging and low-stakes way to read a textbook, its a great and interactive way to learn course material. It is very difficult for me to grasp a concept through lectures or information. zyBook is really amazing and easy to use. I thought zyBooks was a nice website and had good directions but it just wasn't for me. especially for someone like me that is not very quick with information about technology and computers this allows me to focus on key information and not just get through the material without actually learning and applying new concepts. First half was good and then it accelerated a bit fast for me. Was really intuitive and ran smoothly, basically what an interactive textbook should strive to be. We havebeen working since 2012 to offerthe best STEM courseware. I thought zybooks is a wonderful way to learn python. It allowed me to try concepts and questions and get immediate feedback I could learn from, preferred over other textbooks, better value for money. ZyBooks helped me learn about coding since I struggled a lot in the lecture class. zybooks is bad. A good online textbook that helps you learn more than a physical one. Skip responses where students answered No to a question at the surveys end asking if we could use their survey comments in marketing materials. It is structured really well and helps me focus more on topics I would have normally missed or skipped over when reading a typical textbook. For example, I think it was in the chapter about user defined functions where the challenges incorporated vectors and classes, something I that had not been covered at all previously, hence, I had a lot of difficulty figuring it out. I would, however, recommend reviewing the order of information. It is very helpful, I used it for two semester. It presents the material in an easy to understand way and looking back on the assignments is a great way to review material for tests. We added a section Why whitespace matters, and improved feedback on wrong formatting, which have decreased this complaint. I think zybooks is very helpful in first learning a topic but is not helpful for in-depth learning. The participation activities actually encouraged me to look through the passages, because messing up on a question doesn't negatively affect you, I was able to learn in a comfortable environment. zyBooks is great. Overall experience is great! zybooks is bad - maryspiresstudio.maryspiresart.com However, you can't talk to them 24/7. Canvas integration is good and interactive activities are also nice. I am so beyond grateful for having zyBooks for this course. Make it easy and fun. I didnt really like it, it doesnt explain the concepts really well. Bad meme aside, it's been an extremely helpful and coincidental tool once my instructor strictly transitioned to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Very useful for my computer science classes, but the math courses use such intense jargon that it simply takes too long to process. zyBooks Touts 'Less Text, More Action' I really enjoyed using the interactive textbook. It does not need to be severe, just enough to encourage people to actually read the material. An easy and effective method to learn the material! I am very impressed with this system. I still would prefer someone talking through something I think, but for classes that are not extremely difficult I think this works great. It takes advantage of the fact that it is an online material and uses that advantage to help students learn. I also loved the challenge activities, it really helped me learn! Nice ui with good activities that help solidify understanding. I really enjoy zyBooks. It made keeping up with my reading assignments easier because I did most of it on my phone. It's easy to navigate and the material is useful. Zybooks is great but the only thing is that I wish some of the challenge activities were more simple like the practice problems. It is a great way to prepare for tests or exams for the class. It was very helpful with my learning experience in my online programming class. The platform offers interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to improve the overall learning experience. Problem was that it was too well made. I think it was better than reading the textbook by myself. It has a clean interface, that is easy to navigate, and the way it steps through concepts is tremendously helpful when going back to hear them in Lecture as well as reviewing material for a program or before an exam. So the first 1000 responses above are the first 1000 who answered Yes to that last question. The textbook stuff is great but the coding sections could be more user friendly. zyBooks is helpful and informative and largely possesses more pros than cons when it comes to learning this material. I learn things through interactive demos and zybooks fulfilled that requirement. Very pleased with this form of textbook, which I've never encountered before. Zybooks is one of the best way of self-learning. As a beginner, I have found it teaches me at a great pace and combines reading with practice well. Explained a lot of the material the professor didn't in a streamlined way, and tested it in little bits and pieces which i liked. Also, the explanation of the concept is pretty clear. I find that learning with interactive material on zyBooks is more beneficial than just reading examples and notes. Unique to my education experience and appreciated. During studying computer architecture, I always crave to know the exact flow of the computer(with animation or sth). Helps to be able to immediately practice the thing I just read. The animations are very helpful, and I like that everything relates to something in real life so I truly know that learning this will be useful in my every day life. Also it shows you in most cases how it got the answer. All Systems Operational Uptime over the past 90 days. It was my first time using zyBooks but it was easy to learn how to use and I like the structure of the problems assigned. Also my professor in oparticular stopped teaching via web meetings he just posted videos. I wish there was an option to choose a specific problem, and try it again with different variables though. Posted on February 22, 2022 by . It was interactive and kept me engaged. Pretty Neutral really.. It's helpful and interactive. Honestly some of the explanations leaves me more confused, but other than that it's a good product. One of the outputs was not right if you plug it into a formula. Very in-depth and thorough explanations. The content is great and is easy to use. However resources in the book including interactive opportunities to compile C++ helped me pick up skills quickly but were at time frustrating to use due to adding whitespace out of habit that would mark answers wrong. I really liked how topics were laid out and the speed at which they were covered. The zyBook is more available than a textbook, and the interactive modules are more efficient than flipping to an appendix to see what was right or wrong. I also love that if i get a question wrong I can go back and try again. I have found it very helpful in my courses. it's kind of annoying to program in these text boxes with no linting or auto completion of brackets/paranthesis, etc. I love the search tool. Zybooks/Zylabs is a bad interface for learning programming zyBooks assignments really helped me understand the material I was learning because of its interactive aspects. It is easily accessible and can be done anytime, anywhere. Text could be broken up better. I really like it and the interactive activities, Very informative. Some of the challenge questions were a little too challenging and I had to look up the answer. I would use this if I were a professor. I liked zyBooks but the labs were a lot harder than the assignments. I'm ashamed to have done less than I wanted to, but the time I did put into the course I got a lot out of. I like the interactive aspect of Zybooks. I specifically asked my professor to provide us with Zybooks since COVID-19 started and we couldn't have in class lectures anymore. Zybooks is a great online resourse to learn hoe to code. Before, I had no experience with python but now i feel confident in my knowledge of the material. Some of the variables it asks for were not booked which made it difficult to understand sometimes what was asked. My students say the interactive exercises help them visualize program execution. Oh, one more thing, it was extremely annoying to solve a problem, when the only thing wrong with my program is that I printed out two spaces instead of one. Easy to use, some chapters missing on explanations. zyBooks has been a tremendous help when it comes to studying. It was a great experience and I wish that all of my courses implemented it. Fast learning experience and easy to understand materials. I like that I can correct questions I got wrong. zyBooks can include configurable embedded coding environments that allow students to work with real code, on the fly. It has helped me grow as a code developer. The only complaint that I have is the Labs are so picky on the code.. It doesn't just expect you to know how to code a sudoku solver or a maze solver. I thought it was helpful, the labs and challenge activities did not provide any problems in functionality. It was very good to understand and helped a lot. Far more helpful than the lecture, and was likely the main reason I'm doing as well in the class as I am. So here I am. The survey can be taken anonymously and takes just 3-5 minutes. I was using Codecademy but I have some GI Bill left, so I figured I might as well use. I was able to understand most of the readings, there were a couple I didn't really understand. zyBooks is terrible : r/learnprogramming - reddit I really like the way that zyBooks is set up, it is clear and helpful. I do find it helpful however, I feel having some videos where someone is taking us through the algorithms will be better than us keep playing play. Maybe the instructors and the material tell the student to work things on their computers, and the students that I've got just don't care and try learning relying only on the zylabs. zyBooks has interactive activities that makes the process of learning more interesting, I enjoy working through zyBooks and find it a very good way to learn. i can finish reading offline. ZyBooks is an Education solution that StatusGator has been monitoring since March 2021. I appreciated the points system and the multiple checkpoints granted for the chapters; however, I wish that some of the content was more linearly explained. Becomes tedious. 16% Ready to see zyBooks in action? Also, I would have preferred that this book be available for print and save as PDF. However, submitting autograded code was a pain sometimes, forcing me to wait a couple minutes between each upload because the code wasn't exactly how Zybooks wanted. second it also helps the instructor on seeing how students in this class do. ZyBooks is very efficent for learning the content for my class. I really enjoyed the fact that the zyBooks had the option to get the answers correct by attempting multiple times until I get it right. Give me a project, and help me work to a solution. After using a zyBook, most student comments show it was worth the price. A very convenient platform to access information about the course. It was very helpful in my learning process, especially because the 2019-2020 school year was moved online. I think it is a great way of learning code! The interactive questions keep me engaged in the material. A important part of this proccess is the interaction of the student with the programs that he creates: Is by interaction that the student's mind can solidify the concepts that he learn, and is by interaction that he can learn how to fix errors. De Anza College Football Coaches, Venus In Capricorn Man Likes You, Articles Z