maria divine mercy official website

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My dearly beloved daughter, My beloved followers, all over the world, will soon feel My Presence, for I will make Myself known within their hearts in a way they have not experienced before. Maria Divine Mercy makes a number of claims. Do not reject His Generosity for it is His greatest desire to bring together the human race into the new world to come. Go now, My daughter, and never fret when hatred is shown to you in this Mission, for you and all those who hear My Call will then be in no doubt Who it is that they oppose. I Am barely tolerated by those who know Who I Am but who dismiss some of My Teachings because the Truth makes them uncomfortable. Cleverly camouflaged in holy speak, which will hide terrible lies, which defile My Holy Word. But if you block the final plan of salvation by ridiculing openly and gathering believers of My Church to consistently proclaim the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be false and evil, you will suffer eternal damnation. Only God knows. Maria will be instructed, by Me, as to how I need them to be managed and the format I desire. An example of this was done in Scripture by St. Paul who confronted Pope St. Peter, writing about the encounter saying: "And when Cephas (Pope St. Peter) came to Antioch, I opposed him, before everyone, to his face because he clearly was wrong" (Galatians 2:11-14). around all military, around jails, around places of torture or abuse. They tormented chosen souls, through whom God communicated with. Their pride prevented them from listening to the Truth. You will remain alone like a voice in the wilderness. My dearly beloved daughter, you are at the cusp of an explosion, which will see My Mercy pour out over the world in an event, which will change the face of the earth. My dearly beloved daughter, My dearest wish is to bring love, peace and happiness to all of Gods children. Do not allow yourselves to be denied the Gift of His Salvation, the last act of His Mercy on earth. You have been given the summary and yet many of you refuse to acknowledge its contents. During my Sons time on earth He faced huge obstacles. She asked that a special medal the Medal of Salvation be struck for the conversion of everyone who wears it. You will be given every kind of excuse all of them simply meant to prevent My Work from being done. But I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth: there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael, your prince. They, too, were told to walk away from Me and many were not allowed to enter the temples to pay homage to God, My Eternal Father. They declared Me a liar, a false prophet and accused Me of Heresy. His simple demeanour meant that few could accept the fact that he was the Son of God. Let us then observe what was better written in Saint John's Revelation on this subject: So I went to the angel, telling him to give me the little book. As It brings the good news, it brings also what we are not willing to listen to, to admit, to accept. When they deny the Word, they deny Me, but when they accept My Word, given to you, they become part of Me and so they too will be given My Protection also. Messages and prayers can be downloaded and saved. That is if you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. No sacred servant in My Church understands the Book of Revelation, yet. The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end. We, my dear friends, we should know that "the Truth hurts". And so it will be with you. The difference this time is that these prophecies will unfold in your lifetime and the Truth will be proved to this generation. Now the world is being prepared again because of the Love of My Father for all His children. He raised the weak and elevates them, through suffering, to become pure of heart so that He can manage how He communicates with them. How To Translate Downloadable Documents, Books And Booklets, On This Blog Into 90 Languages The Truth will upset many and the Truth will be bitter to swallow, for it is of such magnitude that only those who are strong in their love for Me will be able to accept it. God the Father, she explains, has given her The Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer (33) a prayer of protection against the antichrist also foretold in the Bible in the Book of Revelation. Divine Mercy @DivineMercy_Official 345K subscribers 2.8K videos The Marians are a Congregation of more than 500 priests and brothers in 19 countries around the world. $16.95. Nor do I seek to cause humiliation to anyone, although they may humiliate others in My Name. He Is Speaking to us, poor lost creatures of dust who have come to foolishly believe to be as gods ourselves. CRUSADE PRAYER (33) It has always been Gods desire to intervene in the world by revealing the Truth to chosen souls as a mean to create a better understanding as to what is needed to save your soul. God will never desert His Remnant and it will be through your prayer groups and all other prayers groups, which are derived from my communications to the world, through other missions, that souls can and will be saved. It is only because I Love you that I call out to you now. Add to Cart. Let us then observe what was better written in Saint John's Revelation on this subject: This means to open our hardened hearts in all humbleness and servitude to Our Divine Master. Those who are blessed with the Light of God and the Light of the Truth will attract terrible and hateful attacks. According to her web site, she is "a Roman Catholic married mother of a young family living in Europe [and] says she has been receiving from the Holy Trinity as well as by the Virgin Mary.". Everything will be done to cause disruption to your Prayer Group. I Am God of the Most High, Who, because of the free will I have given to all of My children, will have to suffer enduring pain until the New Paradise on Earth evolves. Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 @ 23:20. It is unnecessary, they will say. Has all heavenly messages and all prayers from Jesus, God the Father and Mary Mother of Salvation. The Truth Was Crucified and Revealed in the Living Verb. As Christians, we should be ready and willing to do the same. Take heart all of you and know that these Graces are now being poured upon these servants of Mine, for without their leadership you would find it difficult to proclaim the Truth. Click here for 2011 Messages Book of Truth My dearly beloved daughter, the pain of the prophets who came before you has never truly been known. Come to Me and I will protect you. Among them are these: We are currently in the Great Tribulation: "My dearly beloved daughter the three and a half years remaining in the. We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer. It is very important that you do this. You will be treated just as My disciples were, by the priests of their time. PAGE TOPICS The Vatican Information Service, official press service of the Holy See, has not issued any information regarding Maria Divine Mercy or her messages. 1 December 2022 07:43, Message Group 800 to 899, Messages Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Chastisement, China, European Union, Great War, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Last Pope, Maria Divine Mercy, Peter II, Pope Benedict XVI, Russia, Solar System Tsunami. You, My disciples, will be accused of heresy and told that you are not following Holy Doctrine. I, the Mother of Salvation, will remain your protector and I will answer every request that you make of me. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul, Revised Edition at the best online prices at eBay! My warning to you now is to listen to the prophecies. This time His Holy Word, given to you the end time prophet, will not be accepted in my Sons Church on earth. By loving My enemies does not, mean, however, that you accept heresy. This has been foretold, but will they listen? Our Lady of Naju Official website on the 30 years of miracles and heavenly messages given to Catholic stigmatist, Julie Kim, in Naju, Korea. (Book of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Why promote the Book of Truth when it is not approved by the Church? His Word created fear and uncertainty in many quarters but few could ignore the wisdom of His teachings. My dearly beloved daughter, My Voice has been suppressed by the spirit of darkness at a time when humanity needs Me the most. When I say something will happen and when it does, they will still deny that the prophecy came from the Words uttered by My Lips. Does God Exist? The blogger would like to recommend the prayer book, Crusade of Prayerwhich is slim, durable, and very portable, as well as the Scapular of The Seal of The Living God and the Medal of Salvationall of them being of excellent quality). The Holy Spirit will guide and protect you and I will give you the comfort you will need to withstand the difficulties you will face in the times ahead. In our soon to come persecution, we must remember the following words: "Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. In a message received on 11 February 2012 it was revealed that Pope Benedict would leave the Vatican. Who is Maria Divine Mercy Every suffering you endure is Mine. Prayers are always part of private revelation and you will know then that they come from Heaven. They are also known for their devotion to Mary Only when the evil one and those who slavishly follow the lies he promises, are destroyed, finally can the world become calm. He has been receiving heavenly messages since 1993 after a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. It is only for your knowing when I decide the time is right. We have lost The Way and The Way Leads us to The Cross. It is like a sword piercing My Heart, which will not go away. Free shipping for many products! Every attempt will be made to trick you into responding in the hope that you will trip yourself up through your lack of knowledge. Like my Son, those who remain true to Him will be resurrected in body as well as in soul on the last day. Very few were prepared to listen to Him in His own community. (This blog,, is not associated in anyway with ChristoGifts. I know every single soul; every part of you is known to Me. They have been given to an ordinary married woman, a Roman Catholic who lives in Europe, by the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, on a daily basis since 09 November 2010. Official promoters of the authentic Divine Mercy message since 1941 Marian Helpers are men, women, moms, dads, grandparents, families, and even children who support the mission of the Marian . Made up tales. I make My Presence felt in their lives by filling their souls with love for others, by drawing on the goodness within them, so that it can conquer negative thoughts, deeds and acts" My Love, My Blessing, My Beloved disciples. But, as the Redeemer of humanity, I will ensure that every bramble is carefully removed, every stone thrown to one side, every path cleared, so that you will succeed in bringing My Word before the world, at a time when I will be all but forgotten. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. The Church will, just as they did during my Sons time on earth the first time, reject His word as He prepares for His Second Coming. It is because you are a prophet, the end time prophet Special Commentary The Seal of the Living God is not a magical pentagram or occult symbol By a soul. Yet, many people are oblivious to this fact because the spirit of evil is pouring out a new false doctrine which, on the surface, will be seen to be popular, admired, welcomed and applauded by those who profess to speak My Word but which is not of Me. No man knows the Truth of the real contents of the Book of Revelation. and Jesus said to him: They have muddied the water, which pours forth from the Holy Spirit and innocent souls will drink it. saving. Go, My children, and do not fear. So, as My Presence becomes less revered by so many, what chance does the world stand against Satan? UPDATE: March 21, 2015: Mary Carberry (aka Maria Divine Mercy) closes website after being exposed as a fraud in two articles in The Irish Mail newspaper. Then John the Baptist gave them the Word and warned them to prepare. My dearly beloved daughter you must know that the role of the prophet differs to that of the visionary. The authentic missions, which I bless today and those I blessed over the centuries always suffered, because of opposition. I love you, dear Father. I try to draw them to Me. Jesus told her that the messages were to be compiled and produced in a Book in volumes and that it was to be called the Book of Truth. The blogger (a soul) is only providing this outside website link to help people. *** It will open your eyes to evil, when it masquerades as good, to wicked men who spread blasphemy when they say they speak My Word and to My enemies who want to destroy Gods children" This is why I reveal to you the Truth of what is to come, so that I can prepare you. This is a plan crafted by the Evil One to take you away from Me. Were they ready? Please read below: This is Maria . You will be listened to yet I urge you to remain silent and not to comment to those who question you or challenge you. Truth can only be Truth when it's ONE, WHOLE, UNQUESTIONABLE and ABSOLUTE. Podcasts from the Marian Fathers The evil one is careful, cunning and devious and so, when his agents present a new approach to My Teachings, you can be sure that it will be dressed up in an admirable way that will be seen to be just. I give you great blessings and special graces when you respond to My call, as I beckon you towards My New Kingdom My New Paradise. Every lie will be thrown at you, every stone hurled, every torment your lot and every enemy of God placed on every path you turn. I see all. I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. Not one of you is loved less than the other. Many were cast into the wilderness and tormented, all because they were messengers sent by God. Reject them as nonsense and you will rue the day you turned your back on the Truth promised to you as Gods cherished children. Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet every day. Blessed with the favour of the Holy Spirit the Remnant will, through their prayer and sacrifice, appease the anger of God when the Great Day of the Lord descends upon the world. Dont you, too, want to salvage your souls? Those who accept these Messages and warnings, not to accept any other doctrine other than that given to the world by Me, Jesus Christ, have nothing to fear, for theirs will be the kingdom of My New Paradise. add to cart. No. I walk with you, My daughter. This new false doctrine will have nothing to do with Me and only those who believe in the Holy Gospel, and who refuse to deviate from it, will find Eternal Life. Sadly, those who fight God, because of their stubbornness and hatred can interfere with His Quest to unite all of His children. Only for the Divine Assistance given to you, you would flee in terror. To see how the evil one has corrupted their souls is a constant torment to Me, their beloved Father. His cunning and deceitful ways will be so subtle and he will work through other souls, who allow themselves to be open to such temptation. GOD THE FATHER: RISE NOW AND ACCEPT MY SEAL, THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD The reason is that this is the last mission, the final form of Divine communication and intervention being presented to the world because of My Second Coming. $14.95. The graces given to them enabled them to be strong. In your own way. My Sons Church turn a deaf ear to the gift of prophecy. My child the pain endured by my Son and His disciples during the time of His mission on earth is identical to that which is to be endured by His followers as He prepares to come again. Oh how they will be confused when they are instructed to do the wrong thing by rejecting My warnings given to all, for the salvation of souls. Most of Gods prophets were despised, mocked and considered to be heretics. Could it be that the Teachings in all Churches were gradually tampered with in their very core? It will open your eyes to evil, when it masquerades as good, to wicked men who spread blasphemy when they say they speak My Word and to My enemies who want to destroy Gods children, Message given to Maria Divine Mercy, MDM on November 1st, 2013- Book of Truth. Everything I did was for you and everything that comes from My Victory over death is yours. It is the final Mission to save souls and every step of the way is dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; and when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter. We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer. My Sons disciples will be turned on by those in charge of the Catholic Church on earth and accused of being false. And he said to me, 'Take it and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.' However, people have requested that the Book be published as well as the Crusade Prayer Book because they like to carry them and read them in their own time. Saturday, May 25th, 2013 @ 21:49. These "New Prophecies reveal global events in the lead up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ". Then those poor souls, who do not believe in any life after the one on Earth, walk in misery with no hope in their hearts. ***. Message 849 - 31 October 2022. Without the Truth, Gods children would not have had the means to recognise the prophecies as foretold. I also ask that you refuse to engage in any kind of hatred in My Holy Name. 13 talking about this. You do not have to listen to Me now for everything that God wanted you to know is contained in the most Holy Gospels. Yet, it is our duty to listen carefully to those voices crying in the wilderness, calling us to abandon all that is sinful, perishing and unholy, and to return to our Creator with open hearts willing to receive Gods forgiveness and His Graces so that we might receive the fullness of His Light and Truth. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four. When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. Your will is Mine, for you gave it away to Me and now I reside completely within you.,, Also see: 43 Translations of the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD can be downloaded for free on Google Drive: You do not know the day or the hour; so therefore, you must prepare your soul as if the time for Me to come is in the next day. Do not allow those souls, whose hearts are festered with hatred, to pull you away from the Truth. Here are two good summaries and preparation guides for the Book of Truth prophecies on this blog: Guide To The Warning And The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ Because they were sent into the world they knew, instinctively, the obligations they had to fulfil yet it was not easy. We fight to uphold the Truth through prayer and love in faithfulness to the Teachings given unto us by the Verb Made Flesh. We must remain faithful from this very moment, which is already gone as you now read the next word written by my small self, until the eternal now when darkness will no longer be. I promise you that the persecution will be swift and that you will be protected. I will bless each Prayer Group, when they agree to My Direction. Sadly, very few of My followers have grasped the lessons contained therein. Never feel you are not in need of the Food of Life. You will soon be instructed, by some of them, to walk away from this Work. One day, you will understand why this purification is needed. THIS is God's plan for you and for me here, on this speck of dust on which we live as invisible atoms in an infinite Universe that is nothing but God's Right Eye Pupil. I will have been forgotten about but the impostor will be idolised, worshipped and greeted like royalty, while I will lie in the gutter and be trampled upon. The message of The Divine Mercy is simple: God loves us - all of us. UPDATE: April 16, 2014: Official statement concerning Maria Divine Mercy from the Archdiocese of Dublin website: What Is The Gospel? Divine Mercy @DivineMercy_Official 337K subscribers The Divine Mercy Home Videos Shorts Live Playlists Community Channels About 0:00 / 0:00 We Intercede For You 61,467 views 1 year ago. Rejoice, for you are blessed to be given this role in the most important time in the history of the world. "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." Every single soul, including the most hardened sinner and those amongst you who are chosen souls, will never be free from sin, until I come again. Proclaim My Word. They will never die because they spoke the Word of the Lord, God the Most High. My Son created division although that was not His intention. Fulton Sheen, VIDEO: Pope Francis, False Prophet Advancing Antichrist. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.". As you read the messages and the prayers contained on this website please open your heart and pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to you, illuminate your heart and impart the grace to discern the source of the words contained herein. Without the Cross we become vulnerable to the seductive power of the false doctrines taught by the false prophets who are sent by their false father: the father of lies What are we going to do, you and I? The world will witness the rise of Satanism and new age paganism but many will convert during an event which Jesus refers to as The Warning when the world will come to a 15 minute standstill and where everyone will be shown their sins in the Eyes of God. Any man who claims to be Me, or any man who tells you Jesus walks the Earth in human flesh, is a liar. Were it not for such Gifts as the Holy Rosary, then souls would have been lost to Him. Reject them cruelly, and you, too, will be rejected by My Hand of Justice. When the errors are exposed, you will then realise how much you have to learn and how pride prevented you from accepting My Hand of Mercy and how you are nothing without Me. Be thankful for Gods Mercy. The spiritual battle is a fierce one and is being fought by My Kingdom against the forces of the evil one. By declaring the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be evil you are guilty of a blasphemy of such magnitude proportions that this is deemed an unforgiveable sin. Many priests, for example, will try to stop them. ), Miraculous Photos Of Jesus And Mary And The Holy Family, Miraculous Photos of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Holy Love Ministries, Free Offer Rosary Of The Unborn Finger Card, The Spiritual Journey Through The Sacred Chambers Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary, Holy Love And Divine Love Free Booklets, Holy Love Nightly Self Examination Of Conscience, The Chaplet Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary, Daily Prayers Of The Children Of The United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary Holy Love Ministry, Heavenly Guidance For Priests Holy Love Messages, For The Church, All Nations, All Families, All Individuals Consecration Of The Heart Of The World To The United Hearts Of The Most Holy Trinity In Union With The Immaculate Heart Of Mary, The Goal Of All Humanity Unitive Love And The Sixth Chamber Messages, St. Joseph Vestibule Of Grace Messages, The Apocalypse Antichrist Mark Of The Beast Three Days Of Darkness Holy Love Messages, 2015 Special Locutions Terrorism Is Irrational Locutions To The World, The Year 2015 Prophecies Locutions To The World, 2014 Special Locutions Locutions To The World, 2014 Review (Summary Of Messages) Locutions To The World, Failed Prophecy Economic Collapse Believing In Locutions To The World By A Soul, Marys Pope Three Significant Prophecies, Mary Woman Clothed With The Sun Locutions Messages, Locutions Important Teachings Messages, Is There A God? These brave sacred servants of Mine will receive extraordinary Graces to enable Christians to see clearly, the difference between right and wrong. This article, originally published on February 2, 2013, generated so many comments that the limit was reached. The following is a preliminary application of the norms for evaluating reported private revelations (established by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, November, 1974) to the reported messages of the woman who refers to herself as "Maria Divine Mercy." I do not imply or try to infringe on any copyright on such works by them, but I do propagate their works as my Christian freedom and right to testify to their good fruit in my life. Although Maria, who remains anonymous, had virtually no knowledge of the Bible, religious matters in any great detail, the messages are littered with numerous biblical references, codes and secrets including The Maria Divine Mercy prophesies and messages are contained in The Book of Truth, foretold in the Book of Daniel. In just four years three volumes of the messages have been produced in book format in print and in eBook through Apple, Amazon Kindle, Kobo and Overdrive. You, who are faithful to Christ, do you not think that you, too, are sinners in the Eyes of God? The prophets were hated because they prophecised in the Name of God and because they told of future tragedies, which were to befall humanity because of the stain of sin. Not one. Therefore, we must consume the Truth Contained within the Book that reveals It, as It Is revealed in what we unworthily consume in the Eucharist, Who Is the Truth in Flesh. 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